5 best tips for unemployed graduates fresh out of university

5 best tips for unemployed graduates fresh out of university

It makes no sense to make a mad rush and apply for a dozen jobs just so you have your foot in the door. Play smart, make an informed decision based on the job profile you command on the job market and aim for the jobs you know will best fit your requirements.

First fit may not be the right fit

Having said what we said in our first pointer, it may also be the case that the first job you take after carefully weighing your options, may not be what it seemed. However, it would be a good idea to stick on and gauge what you like and dislike about the job, just so the experience teaches you what to look out for when that dream job finally comes your way.

Identifying skills

Make a roster of all your skillsets from the time you started out in university, this will help you gauge your chances on finding out the kind of job profile that suits you best. From the part time jobs you committed yourselves to, to internships stints that you may have had during undergrad, and even volunteering and extracurricular activities, everything is par for the course, just so you understand what you enjoy doing most. So, when the opportunity finally arises in the job market and you also realize you are getting paid to do something you love, it would just make sense to accept, for you, in all probability it will be taking on your dream job.

Keep up the networking

People come across the best job offers through a chance meeting with a friend or acquaintance. And in this day and age, your job prospects are as strong as your networking and social skills. And while cases do exist of professionals ending up in jobs through networking, which don’t exactly fit their job profile, more often than not social networking helps in gaining good job placements. So keeping up the networking game through social networking sites and physical meetings is a must if you need to get a leg up and be gainfully employed.

Improve on communication skills

Use the free time you have when you are unemployed to amp up your communication skills if you feel you are lacking in this regard. It is critical that you learn to communicate well in the modern job market as it is important to get your ideas across to a group of people, each with individual mindsets and unique perspectives on how to approach and find solutions to work issues. Your line of thinking may well be the best way to crack the problem at hand, but if you cannot communicate your ideas properly, it would be difficult to get your closest aide at the workplace to agree with you, much less your entire team including your boss. Anticipate these issues at your future workplace, therefore and ensure your communication skills are in top order even as you apply for jobs.

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